More info about me

I'm Aaro. I am a self-taught programmer in a variety of languages including Python, JavaScript, Roblox Lua, HTML and so on. I wouldn't call myself smart in any kind, but hey the shit I make works usually

My projects!

Quick Discord Adder

A website that simplifies the process of adding people as friends on discord. It is very helpful as you do not need to write the users discord name and tag to add them, you simply just share a link with your discord id and the website does the rest by adding a button that will open your profile in the discord app when it is clicked.


Project: SCP

Project SCP is a round-based casual Roblox SCP game for all platforms and even supports VR. Your objective is to try to achieve success for your team. The game is heavily based on SCP: Secret Laboratory, a game on steam.

Roblox Game Website

Eternal Portrait Gallery

Game where a player can buy a Portrait for it to be displayed in that location forever. Portraits have been bought by popular roblox celebrities like mrflimflam and laughability.

Roblox Game


If you wanna contact me for whatever reason feel free to shoot me a message on discord @Aaro_101#5444.


You may also email me at